New Year Changes for 3-5 year olds

Haha!  Bibi’s back, and I’m here to get you ready for a whole new year! I’m so looking forward to spending it with you!

Read Together at Home

Here are some books to read together!  A Resolution for Mary La Mariposa or Slip and Slide! You can download and save them and keep them forever, to read again and again.




Things to Do Together

  1. Learn more with our partner Austin PBS: Play the Arthur New Year Games
  2. New Year’s resolutions tend to focus on things you want to stop doing, this year why not focus on goals for 2021 instead. Here are some useful questions to guide you:
    1. This year I want to try….
    2. This year I need to… . (something you want to learn or acquire)
  3. Talk about how you feel when things are changing -children need to learn how to handle the different emotions they experience and realize that even adults feel nervous about changes. What can you do to feel more prepared for changes? This can include finding out more about what is going to happen, going to see the place (if you are starting a new school, moving to a new house) etc.

Ways to move together

  1. Shadow puppets – what shapes can you make with your hands to create shadows on the walls? There are lots of ideas online!
  2. Pancake clapping – clap your left hand onto your right hand, then open your hands and clap your right hand onto your left hand. How quickly can you do it?

Share Together

At the end of the week, reflect on what you read, and what you did.

  • Share your goals with your family – is there anything that they can do to help you achieve your goals?

Share with BookSpring!

How did this activity go for your family?  Please share your photos and stories with everyone by sharing them with us on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram with #BookSpring #ReadTogether. 

More Ideas To Build Young Readers

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New Year Changes for 3-5 year olds
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