Bon Voyage!

BookSpring is a very special place to be. Our mission and vision are tied to the success of children and families and their learning to love books and reading. We can attribute many of our daily successes to the amazing skills and talents of our staff.

Today we are saying Bon Voyage to one of our long-time staff members, Wayne Holstine. We send him off with every good wish as he embarks on his journey to graduate school at the LBJ school of Public Affairs at U.T. Austin. We are so proud of him and happy for him, and at the same time – sad for our loss!

Wayne started his employment with BookSpring as a work study student as a freshman in the fall of 2010. He stuck with us through his undergraduate career every semester other than one, when he was required to student teach. After graduation, he joined the staff as an interim program manager and proceeded to move quickly through the ranks.

He literally wore almost every hat available! Wayne has been interim program manager for two programs, program assistant, program manager and most recently, BookSpringED Director. His knowledge and skills in the nonprofit arena have placed him on a very solid footing for his upcoming work at the LBJ school.

All that said, Wayne’s loss will be most felt not because of his skill, but because of his heart. He is a truly compassionate advocate for early literacy. Wayne has worked skillfully and easily with teachers, librarians, center managers, clinic directors and site coordinators making sure that their needs were met, books were ordered and delivered, stories were read, costumes and props were awesome and students were delighted each and every week. Wayne, we will miss you!


Bon Voyage!
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