Digital Books

Digital Books, E-books, e-readers, book apps, audio books, pdfs….there are so many kinds of digital books available, in so many formats, where’s a kid or parent to begin?  You’re in luck!  BookSpring and our network of book lovers have searched the internet for the best in free online children’s books.  You may have to provide some information to access some of the resources like an email or zip code…but the benefit includes more titles and sometimes reading supports such as reading aloud, highlighting words, and multiple languages.  For children ages 3 to 8 years old, be sure to check out Bibi’s Weekly Themes, with hundreds of free, on demand digital books, introductory animated videos, and fun easy follow up activities in Spanish and English.

Mom and child read on a tablet

Children with Families are Loving their Tablets

A new report from the US Census Bureau indicates that tablet use among families with children has increased significantly in recent years, with 80% of such families reporting tablet ownership, including 60% of families with caregivers who have not completed a high school education. The share jumps to 75% in ...

Access Free Internet during COVID-19

Access an updated list of internet services via During the Covid-19 outbreak, BookSpring wants to make sure all families can easily access the internet. Online resources are vital sources for continuing childhood education during this period of self-quarantine. Many affiliated enterprises are swiftly updating accounts and web pages with ...
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Actividades de aprendizaje para niños

English Translation  Si usted es un educador que busca soluciones de aprendizaje a distancia, o un padre que busca maneras de mantener a sus pequeños aprendiendo, o alguien a quien le importa que los niños tengan acceso a los recursos de lectura incluso durante el cierre de la escuela, estamos ...
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BookSpring Recommends Online Learning Resources

Spanish Translation Whether you are an educator looking for online learning solutions, or a parent looking for ways of keeping your little ones engaged, or someone who cares about children having uninterrupted access to reading resources even during school closures - we are here to support you. Luckily, many education ...
Unite for Literacy Wash Your Hands Digital Book

BookSpring Recommends Unite For Literacy

Parents and caregivers looking for wonderful non-fiction and board-book style e-books will be thrilled by Unite for Literacy's free browser-based platform, where all you need to enter is a zip code to access a library full of digital books ...
Digital Libraries

BookSpring Recomienda Bibliotecas Digitales para Niños

English Translation  Gracias a la digitalización de libros, las familias pueden acceder una variedad de títulos desde su hogar. Hay muchas colecciones de libros infantiles de calidad y aclamados. Con los siguientes recursos, las familias pueden ampliar su acceso a su literatura. Aquí hay tres bibliotecas digitales  para niños: International ...
Digital Libraries

BookSpring Recommends Free Digital Libraries for Children

Spanish Translation Thanks to the digitization of books, families can access a range of titles without leaving the comforts of home.  There are many free online collections that feature a number of quality and acclaimed children’s books.  With the following resources, families can broaden their access their literature with the ...

Accesa el Internet gratis durante COVID-19

The English translation can be found here.  Durante el brote de Covid-19, BookSpring quiere que todas las familias puedan accesar el internet fácilmente. El acceso es importante para continuar la educación infantil durante este período de auto-cuarentena. Muchas empresas afiliadas están actualizando rápidamente cuentas y páginas de la red con ...
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